Uma revolução comportamental, estética, ética etc

Durante a década de 80, o mundo mudou radicalmente seus rumos. Eventos contundentes marcaram essa mudança: o fim da Guerra Fria, o aparecimento da AIDS e a popularização do computador pessoal. Esses três eventos, verdadeiramente revolucionários, criaram um contexto político, social e cultural inteiramente novo. As gerações que nasceram sob esse signo foram desafiadas a formular novos padrões de comportamento, de gosto, novas visões de mundo e de futuro.

O que aconteceu de tão importante durante os anos 80

1979 a Sony lança o WALKMAN 1980 surge, no mercado, a primeira máquina de FAX 1980 Lesh Walesa funda o Solidariedade, na Polônia 1981 a IBM lança o primeiro PC (computador pessoal) com 64kb de memória e custando US$ 2.665 1981 os jornais anunciam os primeiros casos de AIDS em Los Angeles 1981 a Atari lança o VÍDEO GAME pessoal PACMAN 1981 a Warner Cabo inaugura a MTV 1983 a Apple lança o MOUSE para computadores 1983 surge o CRACK em Nova York 1983 surge a câmera de VÍDEO pessoal 1983 surge o CD (compact disk) 1983 decola a campanha das DIRETAS-JÁ 1984 é detectado o vírus da AIDS, o HIV 1984 surgem os primeiros jeans STONEWASHEDS 1984 a Apple lança o MAC 1985 Mikhail Gorbashev inicia a Perestroika (reestruturação) e a Glasnost (abertura) 1985 é descoberto o buraco na camada de OZÔNIO 1985 é selado o acordo para a instituição da União Européia 1987 Reagan e Gorbashev assinam primeiro acordo bilateral de redução dos arsenais nucleares 1988 é derrubado o Muro de Berlin 1989 Brasil faz suas primeiras eleições livres para presidente, desde 1960 1989 acontece o massacre da Praça da Paz Celestial em Pequim 1989 Tim Berner desenvolve a WWW ( internet)

Sobre Gerações e Gerações

Resumo encontrado na Wikipedia:

Generations are exaggerated periods of time that are connected with pop cultures throughout the world. Many characteristics of these generations are the music, fads, inventions, and wars random to each period of time. Each generation is categorized by the general birth years of the people within the generation.

[edit] 20th century America and Europe
The Lost Generation was a term originally used to identify a group of American literary expatriates living in Paris in the 1920s and 1930s; it is now used more generally to describe the generation of young people who came of age in the United States during and shortly after World War I.
The Greatest Generation is the worldwide generation of Allies that served in World War II. This group overlaps with the G.I. Generation, the generation of Americans that fought and won World War II, later to become the Establishment, and the parents of children who would later become the Baby Boomers.
The Silent Generation was the generation born between the two World Wars, who were too young to join the service when World War II started. Many had fathers who served in World War I. (1925-1945)
The Baby Boomers were the generation born during or just after World War II; there was a worldwide increase in birthrate for about 14 years (1945-1959). The end of the baby boom period is cited by various sources as early as 1954 or as late as 1965 -- see Baby Boomers.
Generation Jones is the generation born between the Baby Boomers and Generation X. The generally accepted birth years for Jonesers are . Jonesers are primarily the offspring of the Silent Generation; mostly they were children in the 1960s, and teens in the 1970s.
Generation X is the generation born between approximately 1966 to 1980, although the birth years are sometimes cited as early as 1960, and as late as 1969. Other names used interchangeably with Generation X are 13th Generation and Baby Busters. Most of this generation are children of The Silent Generation. They tended to grow up with video games and MTV, and spent most of their teen years in the 1980s.
XY Cusp, also known as the MTV Generation or Doom Generation, was caught between the end of Generation X and start of Generation Y, mainly living out their childhood through the 80s and teen years in the mid-90s. This generation was influenced by the launch of MTV, the popularization of Web technology circa '95, segmented musical tastes, the evolution of 80s glam fashions into grunge and the remainder of Generation X, many of whom were older siblings. (1975-1985).
Boomerang Generation, also known as the Generation Why?, was a sub-group of Generation Y, growing up in the '90s and early 2000s, whose emergent experiences straddled the Cold War/Space Age and Internet eras. In many ways more connected to the G.I. Generation than other recent generations, this group came of age in the period directly following the September 11th attacks. (1982-1986)
Generation Y, also known as the Echo Boom, or Millennium Generation, grew up with many world-changing events including the rise of mass communication and the Internet. (1976-2001 widest possible definition commonly cited.)
iGeneration, the Internet generation, is a subgeneration for the latter half of Generation Y (1993-1999) and the first half of Generation Z (2000-2005).
Generation Z, youngest of the generations thus far.

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